duminică, 27 ianuarie 2008

Starea de bine Vs. Starea de frica

Ma delectez cu ultimele mele descoperiri. Aparitia in forta a unui nou concept in multimedia zilelor noastre.

Doua statii Tv deosebite (e putin spus) pe satelitul Eurobird, in pozitia orbitala 9º Est. Sunt concepte total noi de posturi Tv, ce emit 24/7 fara reclame, fara intreruperi.

- Melody Zen TV. Un nou program ce emite atat in format SD 16/9 cat si HD si-a facut aparitia pe Eurobird 9. Este vorba de Melody Zen, alaturi de un canal cunoscut LUXE TV HD. Frecventa: 11,804 GHz, Pol. V SR=27500 FEC=2/3.

Difuzeaza imagini de vis, cu plaje insorite, udate de valuri, lacuri linistite, cascade ametitoare, susur de izvoare in ciripitul pasarelelor, din teritoriile franceze europene sau de peste mari: Franta, Corsica, Marea Caraibelor, Polinezia etc. Imaginile sunt insotite simultan de trei canale sonore. Primul este fondul sonor natural al inregistrarii (valurile oceanului, zgomotul unei cascade etc.), al doilea canal audio este o combinatie intre primul si muzica de relaxare si in sfarsit al treilea este o alta combinatie a canalului 2 cu sugestii de relaxare in engleza si franceza.

Ideea cheie in jurul caruia se invarte conceptul postului tv este apa. Apa reprezinta viata cu valentele ei creative, regenerative si de reintinerire.


- C Music TV, canal receptionat de pe satelitul Eurobird 9 in Europa, si de pe W5 Eutelsat in Asia. Canalul, de origine engleza, difuzeaza 24/24 videoclipuri cu muzica clasica (Classical), coloana sonora filme (Cinema) si muzica de relaxare (Chill out). C-ul vine cum se observa de la cei trei C ai grilei de program.

Vanghelis, Angela Gheorghiu, Maria Callas, Enia, Pavarotti, Enio Moricone, sunt numai cateva din numele foarte cunoscute si sonore de muzicieni sau creatori de gen ce compun programul statiei.


Acum imaginati-va ca urmariti programele unuia din posturile de mai sus, fie in format 4/3 si rezolutie standard, fie in format 16/9 si inalta rezolutie si combinati senzatiile vizuale si audio cu cele gustative produse de un vin de colectie productie 1988, din hrubele podgoriei Cricova - Basarabia.

Starea e de greu de descries, e maxima! Ai ajuns in Paradis!

Ma bucur nespus ca spiritualitatea, starea de bine isi croieste drum in mass media noastra contemporana inca dirijata in mare masura de frica de audienta.


Melody Zen on satellite Eurobird™ 9

- Melody Zen, a new concept in well-being television has chosen the Eurobird™ 9 satellite of Eutelsat Communications to deliver its signal across Europe in Full HD as well as standard definition in 16/9 format. The channel is uplinked to Eurobird™ 9 by Eutelsat from its teleport in Rambouillet, near Paris.

Broadcasting 24 hours a day, Melody Zen’s programming, with water as a key element, is a combination of landscapes, zen music, sound of nature and relaxation methods. The video signal is accompanied by three audio channels: MelodyZen 100% pure natural sounds, MelodyZen Music and MelodyZen Well-being.

Melody Zen TV is a unique concept, a digital window on nature for anyone seeking peace of mind and well-being. Three Full HD interactive TV channels designed exclusively for your well-being, each channel with different soundtracks. A superb window to travel through some of the world’s most beautiful landscapes, combined with soothing zen music or the sound of nature, as well as relaxation methods. MelodyZen.tv also offers a unique interactive service for the viewer who can also easily localize each sequence with its longitude and latitude coordinates to enhance the feeling of travelling.

The channel is available 24/7 on EUROBIRD 9 in Full HD as well as standard definition in a 16/9 format.

A key element: water

Water is life. It is a common heritage to all living creatures, rejuvenating and regenerating for both body and mind. A central element in many forms of therapy, water has spread its soothing effects since the beginning of time. The origin of life comes from water, as human beings we carry deep within ourselves the memory of intra-uterine life in the soothing and peaceful atmosphere of water.

With its unique concept, MelodyZen.tv is available to anyone anywhere in the world. MelodyZen.tv is available 24/7 on channel EUROBIRD 9

La chaîne sera diffusée début janvier sur la plupart des opérateurs, la chaîne désirant faire "un démarrage fort".Peu d’informations quant aux programmes qui seront diffusés. Le site officiel de la chaîne annonce des programmes 100% HD tout au long de la journée avec un soin particulier apporté au son.

La chaîne bénéféciera en effet de 3 canaux différents :
MelodyZen : 100% de sons naturels
MelodyZen Music : Canal audio 1+ Musique Zen
MelodyZen Bien-Etre : Canal audio 2+ Conseils de bien-être

Des émissions sur le stretching, le yoga, le qi-jong, la sophrologie, la méditation ou la relaxation seront aussi au rendez-vous pour nous aider à oublier le stress de la journée. Les insomniaques pourront prendre des cours de relaxation et de respiration afin de pouvoir trouver le sommeil entre minuit et 2 h du matin...Gageons que la chaîne trouve rapidement et facilement son public au vu de l’engouement actuel pour le bien-être.


C Music TV


- C Music TV is the first and only satellite, cable, and IPTV channel dedicated to classical, film and chillout music. The channel is embracing the new and emerging culture of contemporary classical music while drawing on the well established yet largely marginalised genres of orchestrated film soundtracks and chillout music.

The channel revolutionises the traditional presentation of classical music by replacing long form classical concerts and operas with more intuitive music-videos. It combines classical music-videos and performance excerpts with powerful film scores and blissed out relaxing chillout melodies.

C Music TV presents the very best music from the world’s most talented artists and composers across all three genres. Classical stars include, among others, Luciano Pavarotti, Puccini, Angela Gheorghiu, Vivaldi and Yo Yo Ma. C Music TV then seamlessly integrates this with ambient instrumental tracks from the likes of Portishead, I Monster, Sigur Ros and Herbaliser and the utterly timeless, universally popular film themes from The Lord of the Rings, Crash and Gladiator.

C Music TV does not carry any advertising breaks, thus ensuring that the music remains uninterrupted, twenty four hours a day.


Un comentariu:

Tathenen spunea...

De Melody Zen recunosc ca nu am auzit, dar C Music TV este genial , si fata de postul Mezzo este mult mai deschis publicului, caci vorbim de muzica clasica sau simfonica, intr-o varianta moderna in care vioara este acompaniata de un sintetizator si sunete electronice.